Sunday, June 3, 2018

SFK Academy

Dear SFK Friend, 

We are so excited to present to you the SFK Certification program! Finally, you too can have the opportunity to feel the joy and fulfillment that comes with helping children feel more empowered and less anxious about life!

If this training is part of your calling, join us. You will be equipped with the most cutting-edge educational practices, leadership and communication skills, along with the award-winning SFK curriculum. All this to bring lasting change to children and families in your community.

In addition to the educational training, the certification program will take you on a deep dive through the curriculum, so you, too, can internalize the concepts. Have we mentioned that this training is as much a journey of growth and self-exploration for you, as it is to impart these lessons with others?
Sign Up Now
Are you ready to embark on this adventure and change your life and others’?

Of course you have many more questions!  Here are the next steps:

  1. LEARN MORE about the training program, price and the application process. Then proceed to the FAQs at the bottom of that page, they are designed to answer all your questions and concerns.
  2. Fill out the application.
  3. If approved, you will be invited to make the payment and enroll in the program.

Please read all information carefully, but if anything is still unclear, we’d love to hear from you at or (310) 464 0570.

The SFK Academy Team

Sign Up Now

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